Finally, a break from the blistering heat. It's still plenty warm but there's definitely a difference between 108 degrees and 95. Our broilers can sure tell a difference as well. There was a two week period where we lost over 40 chickens to the heat. Kurt worked so hard to keep them comfortable - hauled water 4-6 times a day, wet the ground down to cool it off, spread them out to more pens - and they just couldn't handle the heat. Next year, we'll plan a little differently and try to avoid having full grown birds the last few weeks of July and the first of August. We may not always have summers this hot and dry but it's always hottest during those few weeks of the summer.
Our layers are doing well though. They're just a hardier breed - the Rhode Island Reds can handle temperatures from 20 degrees to 108. Now our egg production dropped off some those few weeks but they weren't dying from heat stroke. Our young layers, the pullets, are just starting to lay. Kurt finds 4-5 peewee sized eggs a day. I expect their production to just explode any day now. It doesn't take them long to go from small eggs to a larger egg. If they produce more pullet eggs than we can use, we'll sell 18 pullet eggs for the price of a dozen larger eggs.
Speaking of eggs, I'm sure by now you've seen at least one news story about the enormous egg recall. I'm not going to get on my soapbox today but cheap food is not always good (or safe) food. I'm still working on this lesson - not always easy for my frugal mind to remember.
I'm so excited. Coldwater is starting a farmers market (by the way, does anyone know the proper punctuation of farmers in farmers market? Where's the apostrophe go?). We've been open the last three Saturdays and it's been a great success in my book. There's been 3-5 vendors each week and good patronage. We'll be open until the end of September and then re-evaluate for next season.
August has been busy with getting everyone back in the school routine. Natalie and Allison started back the 11th and Natalie, who is now a kindergartner, wanted everyone to know that she is now riding the bus too - a big yellow one by the way, not just a suburban. Anna is always very sad to see her sisters get on the bus. "I ride with Sissy, too?!" And then she's off. As much as she's missed her sisters, I think Anna has enjoyed getting to play at home all by herself. Kurt is also getting in the school routine - he's the assistant high school football coach again this year and has to be in Coldwater by 4. His work day is cut a little short but he's really enjoying the coaching. We're all very excited about the first football game this weekend. After all cooler temperatures can't be too far behind the start of the season, right?
Several of you submitted great ideas for our "Name the hot dog contest." Dale Dogs showed up many times and my personal favorite was The Beefinator - but that was more because Kurt does a really bad Schwarzenegger impersonation and has for a very long time. After much deliberation though we have decided on . . . drum roll please . . . The Hot Diggity Dog, courtesy of Kurt's sister, Jill. And, if my memory serves me right, her daughter came up with the name of our monthly newsletter - very creative branch of the fam. Now, we need to work on how to get 2 pounds of the Hot Diggity Dogs to Arizona - I know that it's legal to ship them though, they have the magic seal of the USDA and can therefore cross state lines.
A big shout out to Ed and Judy Colson. They were gracious hosts of a Tips and Tastes party in Olathe. We're gearing up to do another party in a few weeks in Pratt.
A couple of product updates:
*I will be in Wichita on Thursday, September 3rd and my brother-in-law will be hauling meat to Olathe this weekend if there's anything you need.
*We still have chickens available September 3, September 17 and October 8th. If you're interested, let me know. Remember if you purchase chicken after October 8th, it will be $3.50/pound since we have to arrange to store it.
*We're starting to take reservations for turkeys. Let me know if you'd like one for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
*We have processing dates for beef and pork in October. If you're interested in purchasing a 1/4, 1/2 or whole, please let me know. For pricing info see our FAQ's page or contact me.
*Kurt turned 40 this month. Ok, that's not a product update but it's certainly noteworthy. We're planning a pig roast in October to celebrate.
Thankfully we had a nice 3-inch rain a couple weeks ago. However, it didn't last long with 100 degree days and 20 mph winds. We could always use more moisture.
Our kittens keep growing and the girls have enjoyed petting and playing with them. Two weeks ago, Natalie was trying to get "her kitten" (they've all claimed and named one) to eat out of her hand. We were processing chickens and not fully tuned in with what Natalie was doing. By the time we were done, she had put out enough cat food to feed all 6 cats (2 adults and 4 kittens) for 2-3 days!
The turkeys have been fun to watch this summer. At 6 weeks, they're ranging several hundred yards from the house. They love the grasshoppers and will fight over one - actually it looks more like an unorganized rugby match. A turkey will set it's grasshopper down (not sure why). Another turkey will grab it and run - hmm, not a whole lot unlike my own kids and their toys. I knew the girls had some turkey in them! Kurt isn't putting any feed out for them (the turkeys, not the girls) and they're getting everything they need from the grass and the hoppers. We've loaned a few turkeys out to my in-laws to help with grasshopper control in their yard. Definitely ordering some turkeys early next year to help keep the hoppers in check!
Some excitement last week. Kurt had planned to take 10 steers to the sale barn on Wednesday. Had them all penned and ready for a neighbor to haul them - except he forgot to shut a gate. The neighbor needed to get on up to Dodge so Kurt said he'd haul his own after he got them recaught. Kurt even came to the house and offered to take Anna with him. Off they go and off I head to town to run a few errands. Not 3 minutes later, I get an intense call from Kurt: "get my pick-up and meet me at Mom & Dad's." The latch pin on the trailer broke and Kurt had two steers get loose on the road. Thankfully, Kurt wasn't going very fast, he noticed heads sticking out of the trailer right away and they were still close to home. Kurt unloaded the rest of the cattle in the corrals (not sure how long we'd be), Anna hung out with Grandma, and Kurt and I were off - I was sure for great adventure. Thankfully, the 2 steers were easy to find and were less than a mile from the corrals. I don't think they could have been any more agreeable - 15 minutes and the 2 steers were caught and penned. My only job was to drive the pick-up when Kurt got out to walk them the rest of the way on foot - not quite the adventure I had pictured but that's not always bad. Kurt decided he still had time to get to Dodge (sans Anna, of course). He got the pin fixed (at least long enough to last to Dodge). Started to load the cattle again when. . . he noticed a rotten floor board in the trailer. Another problem that could have been much worse than it was. So. . . instead of getting lots done that morning or evening getting cattle hauled to town, Kurt spent most of the day repairing the decrepit trailer
At this point in his proofreading, Kurt argued with the word decrepit.
"It's not a decrepit trailer. I just had to fix the catch pin, two floor boards, the . . . "
"Exactly. I think I'll stand by my word choice."
The next day, Kurt and Anna took the cattle to Pratt without incidence in the much improved trailer.
Family updates:
*Kurt - we've already talked about him - big events this month were his birthday and football. He spends his day trying to keep our operation as low budget as possible by repairing things like trailers and building chicken waterers.
*Allison has enjoyed going back to school where she gets a small respite from her loving sisters.
*Natalie is the new kindergarten fashionista. She is in charge of picking out clothes for the next day - some interesting combos, including but not limited to a full length red, velvet-like peasant skirt paired with her "new" black Hannah Montana shirt, with tennis shoes so she can "run fast at recess."
*Anna has enjoyed gymnastics again and assures me she no longer needs my help. She is also making significant process in the potty training department. She has told me though in no uncertain terms more than once that she is "NOT a big girl. I your baby. Goo goo gah gah."
*I have begun to enjoy the routine that the start of the school year brings and have several projects I hope to get done. Having one at home with me is very different than 2 - not better, just different.
One more point of interest and I'll call it good for this month. Dale Family Farms has officially become an LLC (limited liability company).
Hope you're able to enjoy the cooler temps that September usually brings.
Our layers are doing well though. They're just a hardier breed - the Rhode Island Reds can handle temperatures from 20 degrees to 108. Now our egg production dropped off some those few weeks but they weren't dying from heat stroke. Our young layers, the pullets, are just starting to lay. Kurt finds 4-5 peewee sized eggs a day. I expect their production to just explode any day now. It doesn't take them long to go from small eggs to a larger egg. If they produce more pullet eggs than we can use, we'll sell 18 pullet eggs for the price of a dozen larger eggs.
Speaking of eggs, I'm sure by now you've seen at least one news story about the enormous egg recall. I'm not going to get on my soapbox today but cheap food is not always good (or safe) food. I'm still working on this lesson - not always easy for my frugal mind to remember.
I'm so excited. Coldwater is starting a farmers market (by the way, does anyone know the proper punctuation of farmers in farmers market? Where's the apostrophe go?). We've been open the last three Saturdays and it's been a great success in my book. There's been 3-5 vendors each week and good patronage. We'll be open until the end of September and then re-evaluate for next season.
August has been busy with getting everyone back in the school routine. Natalie and Allison started back the 11th and Natalie, who is now a kindergartner, wanted everyone to know that she is now riding the bus too - a big yellow one by the way, not just a suburban. Anna is always very sad to see her sisters get on the bus. "I ride with Sissy, too?!" And then she's off. As much as she's missed her sisters, I think Anna has enjoyed getting to play at home all by herself. Kurt is also getting in the school routine - he's the assistant high school football coach again this year and has to be in Coldwater by 4. His work day is cut a little short but he's really enjoying the coaching. We're all very excited about the first football game this weekend. After all cooler temperatures can't be too far behind the start of the season, right?
Several of you submitted great ideas for our "Name the hot dog contest." Dale Dogs showed up many times and my personal favorite was The Beefinator - but that was more because Kurt does a really bad Schwarzenegger impersonation and has for a very long time. After much deliberation though we have decided on . . . drum roll please . . . The Hot Diggity Dog, courtesy of Kurt's sister, Jill. And, if my memory serves me right, her daughter came up with the name of our monthly newsletter - very creative branch of the fam. Now, we need to work on how to get 2 pounds of the Hot Diggity Dogs to Arizona - I know that it's legal to ship them though, they have the magic seal of the USDA and can therefore cross state lines.
A big shout out to Ed and Judy Colson. They were gracious hosts of a Tips and Tastes party in Olathe. We're gearing up to do another party in a few weeks in Pratt.
A couple of product updates:
*I will be in Wichita on Thursday, September 3rd and my brother-in-law will be hauling meat to Olathe this weekend if there's anything you need.
*We still have chickens available September 3, September 17 and October 8th. If you're interested, let me know. Remember if you purchase chicken after October 8th, it will be $3.50/pound since we have to arrange to store it.
*We're starting to take reservations for turkeys. Let me know if you'd like one for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
*We have processing dates for beef and pork in October. If you're interested in purchasing a 1/4, 1/2 or whole, please let me know. For pricing info see our FAQ's page or contact me.
*Kurt turned 40 this month. Ok, that's not a product update but it's certainly noteworthy. We're planning a pig roast in October to celebrate.
Thankfully we had a nice 3-inch rain a couple weeks ago. However, it didn't last long with 100 degree days and 20 mph winds. We could always use more moisture.
Our kittens keep growing and the girls have enjoyed petting and playing with them. Two weeks ago, Natalie was trying to get "her kitten" (they've all claimed and named one) to eat out of her hand. We were processing chickens and not fully tuned in with what Natalie was doing. By the time we were done, she had put out enough cat food to feed all 6 cats (2 adults and 4 kittens) for 2-3 days!
The turkeys have been fun to watch this summer. At 6 weeks, they're ranging several hundred yards from the house. They love the grasshoppers and will fight over one - actually it looks more like an unorganized rugby match. A turkey will set it's grasshopper down (not sure why). Another turkey will grab it and run - hmm, not a whole lot unlike my own kids and their toys. I knew the girls had some turkey in them! Kurt isn't putting any feed out for them (the turkeys, not the girls) and they're getting everything they need from the grass and the hoppers. We've loaned a few turkeys out to my in-laws to help with grasshopper control in their yard. Definitely ordering some turkeys early next year to help keep the hoppers in check!
Some excitement last week. Kurt had planned to take 10 steers to the sale barn on Wednesday. Had them all penned and ready for a neighbor to haul them - except he forgot to shut a gate. The neighbor needed to get on up to Dodge so Kurt said he'd haul his own after he got them recaught. Kurt even came to the house and offered to take Anna with him. Off they go and off I head to town to run a few errands. Not 3 minutes later, I get an intense call from Kurt: "get my pick-up and meet me at Mom & Dad's." The latch pin on the trailer broke and Kurt had two steers get loose on the road. Thankfully, Kurt wasn't going very fast, he noticed heads sticking out of the trailer right away and they were still close to home. Kurt unloaded the rest of the cattle in the corrals (not sure how long we'd be), Anna hung out with Grandma, and Kurt and I were off - I was sure for great adventure. Thankfully, the 2 steers were easy to find and were less than a mile from the corrals. I don't think they could have been any more agreeable - 15 minutes and the 2 steers were caught and penned. My only job was to drive the pick-up when Kurt got out to walk them the rest of the way on foot - not quite the adventure I had pictured but that's not always bad. Kurt decided he still had time to get to Dodge (sans Anna, of course). He got the pin fixed (at least long enough to last to Dodge). Started to load the cattle again when. . . he noticed a rotten floor board in the trailer. Another problem that could have been much worse than it was. So. . . instead of getting lots done that morning or evening getting cattle hauled to town, Kurt spent most of the day repairing the decrepit trailer
At this point in his proofreading, Kurt argued with the word decrepit.
"It's not a decrepit trailer. I just had to fix the catch pin, two floor boards, the . . . "
"Exactly. I think I'll stand by my word choice."
The next day, Kurt and Anna took the cattle to Pratt without incidence in the much improved trailer.
Family updates:
*Kurt - we've already talked about him - big events this month were his birthday and football. He spends his day trying to keep our operation as low budget as possible by repairing things like trailers and building chicken waterers.
*Allison has enjoyed going back to school where she gets a small respite from her loving sisters.
*Natalie is the new kindergarten fashionista. She is in charge of picking out clothes for the next day - some interesting combos, including but not limited to a full length red, velvet-like peasant skirt paired with her "new" black Hannah Montana shirt, with tennis shoes so she can "run fast at recess."
*Anna has enjoyed gymnastics again and assures me she no longer needs my help. She is also making significant process in the potty training department. She has told me though in no uncertain terms more than once that she is "NOT a big girl. I your baby. Goo goo gah gah."
*I have begun to enjoy the routine that the start of the school year brings and have several projects I hope to get done. Having one at home with me is very different than 2 - not better, just different.
One more point of interest and I'll call it good for this month. Dale Family Farms has officially become an LLC (limited liability company).
Hope you're able to enjoy the cooler temps that September usually brings.
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