Monday, September 9, 2013

September Shorty

Good evening! 

I had BIG plans for this month's newsletter complete with engaging anecdotes, product updates and weather reports.  However, I also started a new "part-time" job in August - I really don't think there is such a thing as a part-time teacher - and I'm just a bit overwhelmed.  I often tell my oldest that there are times where "all you can do is all you can do."  Tonight, I'm taking my own advice - all I can do is a short update and that's it.  Next month, we'll have party stories to share, fall updates and product specials to share.

I do have just a handful of items that I MUST share with you:

*PARTY ON THE FARM - please come!  We'll love to have you here on September 28th.  We'll have live music, good food and great company if you come!  Bring a side dish to share and lawn chairs to hang out in.  Email me if you have questions or need directions.  And in the same vein of my first paragraph, this is the first year we've hosted where I have worked off farm.  The porch might not be repainted (maybe twinkle lights will hide the few rough spots??) and you won't be able to peek in the girls' rooms or basement BUT the spirit of hospitality will be very present.  This gathering is one of the highlights of our year and we can't wait for you to join us!

*Soap is in full production as I gear up for the party and Christmas.  I'm wrapping them a little more formally and they make lovely gifts for all kinds of occasions.

*Delivery dates - we will be through Greensburg, Pratt, Wichita, and Olathe this Friday (9/13).  Email me ASAP if you'd like to place an order.  While a piece of this trip is business, Kurt and I also get to go to a wedding and celebrate our anniversary a few weeks early - the actual date is 9/27, the night before our big shin-dig.  One more reason for you to come celebrate with us.  Sixteen years is worth a party!

*Chickens - we have fresh chickens available this week, next and the week of the party.  Let me know if you'd like some.

*We will have bacon in about a month - did you just hear the heavenly choir singing?  Thank you for your patience on this one.

*Hogs will go to the processor again late November/early December.  Reserve yours now.

*Turkeys.  We've started a waiting list.  Kurt wants to see how they do the next month or so before we promise any more.  We'll keep you posted.

Hmmm . . . I think that's all you HAVE to know this month.  Take care and we'll see you on the 28th!

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