Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quickie Hog Edition - January 3rd

Good morning!  Hope 2013 is off to a good start!
I have to confess, this really isn't a "Cattle Rattle" - after almost 4 months, I think I've forgot how to write!  I do have a newsletter started and hope with some extended car trips, I can get back in the swing.
Anyway, I have a couple quick items to share:
1.  We are out of chicken for the season.  =(   Between losses to the badger and increased demand, our supply was a little low this year.  We'll make adjustments for next year.  One way to make sure you have chicken all year round is to stock up during the summer.  =)
2.  We have another freezer!!  AND it's practically new!!  This brings the count to 8 plus a fridge - although one doesn't quite count because it's a little bitty one.  One of our customers spotted it at a business' liquidation sale and snatched it up for us. 
3.  Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in a half or whole hog.  Kurt will be hauling the first trailer load to McPherson on January 16th and the next a few weeks later.  Whole hogs will be $380 plus about $120 for processing (paid to the processor) and halves will be $190 plus about $60 for processing.  We'll also be restocking bacon (how quickly our supply shrinks!), pork chops, hams, ham hocks. . . .all kinds of good stuff!


1 comment:

  1. I hope I'm not too late. .I always think about calling WAY too late in the day. .and then only once about every month. .and Jeremy just flat cant' remember when he talks to Kurt! If you still have pork available. .We'd take a whole hog. .or really, just whatever you have left!! You can probably count us in every year!! We love us our pork products!! Email me with any questions. .you know I'm good for the $$$! HAHA!Thank you soooo much!!
