Monday, November 2, 2009

October edition

Greetings! Even though the calendar might show November 2nd, this really is the October edition of the Cattle Rattle - really. Seems like every month I write that it has been a very busy month - this one really has. My guess is that November probably won't slow down either. However football is over for the year and we are looking forward to sharing supper as a family before eight.

We are done with broilers for the season. Of the many (many) lessons we learned this summer about raising meat birds, a key lesson is that mid-October is too late to be processing our last batches of chickens. The weather is just too variable. We did two batches of chickens in one week (110 total). One morning it was in the 40's and wet - it kept showering on us. The first time it started raining, Kurt's mom kept waiting for Kurt to stop - thinking that maybe we'd wait the rain out - nope, we plowed bravely on. Three days later, it was much nicer - 60 and sunny. We had great help both days and the work went quick. Let us know if you're ever interested in seeing how your food is prepared or if you're interested in helping - we're always willing to trade out a few chickens for good help. For one woman's account of processing day at the Dales', see the following link:

Kurt weaned calves last week. The last few years, we have weaned "across the fence." This means there's a whole lot less bawling and the calves seemed to be stressed less when they can look across the hot wire and see momma. Nutritionally, they no longer need to nurse but still kind of like to know mom's around. Within a few days, the calves are ready to move on to a new pasture.

This month has been one for travel. At the beginning of the month, the girls and i drove to Matfield Green to see my mom. We made several deliveries on the way and had a great time. This weekend, we had "Dal-las fun" (Natalie made up a little song as we began talking about the trip. Those of you who know her well can picture her singing it - every time anyone said the word Dallas). Kurt's oldest nephew got married this weekend and we got to spend some time with Kurt's family. This was maybe the 2nd time since we've been married (12 years ago) that ALL 6 siblings were together in the same place at the same time. Natalie was enchanted by the bride and has decided when she grows up, she will get married and live in Dallas at the hotel we stayed in - that way all her friends can come visit her for the reasonable rate of "$11/night."

This week, I will be heading to McPherson to pick up meat. Usually, we don't want to take animals that far for processing but we're trying something different. We're going to give all beef hot dogs and bratwurst a try. Our hot dogs will be nitrate/nitrite free and will come 5 to a 1 pound package. The brats will also be all beef and will have 5 in a 1 pound package. Please let me know if you're interested in trying them out.

Success! Kurt, Allison, and Natalie herded the turkeys in to the Trap tonight. Only three weeks left until Thanksgiving and Kurt finally got tired of cleaning off porches. Bigger turkeys leave bigger messes!

Family updates:

Kurt: Without practice, he's now got three extra hours in the afternoon. There should be lots of honey-do's crossed off the list, right?

Andi: I've taken a very part-time job and am doing some consulting and tutoring for the On-Line Learning Academy at Mullinville.

Allison: She competed in the pumpkin decorating contest at school and won 2nd place - her pumpkin looks like our turkeys.

Natalie: She won 1st place in her category of the pumpkin decorating contest. Also, she has become very proficient at walking in high heels - a skill all 4 year-olds need,right? She was a bride for Halloween and had the shoes to match.

Anna: I think she gets ornerier by the day. She talks non-stop and if you stop to listen, you can often figure out what she wants - which is usually what her sisters have

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