What a busy month - the days just seem to fly by. As a teacher, I used to look forward to the summer for a chance to slow down a little - now as a mom, I'm anticipating the start of school with more reliable routines and earlier bedtimes.
As I write this, the fair is winding down in Comanche County. We've had a good week and participated in several activities because, to quote Natalie, "we're a 4-H family." Both Allison and Natalie submitted photographs and baked goods for exhibit, we've watched some rodeo events, and we went to the community carnival.
The big excitement this month was a fire in the tree row just east of the house on July 10. Kurt called that afternoon and asked if I could see smoke, because from his vantage point, the smoke seemed to be coming from the house. I walked out to the road and could see smoke coming from the trees. The Protection fire department was out within a few minutes and shortly after they arrived, the Coldwater fire department was called in for back up. By the time everything was under control, there were about 8 fire trucks and a tanker truck on our property. Thankfully, no people or livestock were ever in imminent danger and none of the fire fighters suffered ill effects from the heat - temperatures soared to 112 that afternoon. We're pretty sure that trees were hanging over the electric line and sparked. The fire quickly spread through the undergrowth about 100 yards through the tree row. The fire flared again at 11:30 that night and the firemen were out again. Thankfully, neighbors loaned us a spray truck on Saturday and Kurt and his dad were able to spray down trees as they started burning again. The electric co-op has also been out to trim trees so I think we're in good shape now. I often joke that moving to Protection reminds me of The Little House on The Prairie series. A friend of mine commented that afternoon, after I called back to fill her in on the details, that I needed to quit having so many Laura Ingalls Wilder moments.
On a much more positive note, the local paper ran a very nice article about Dale Family Farms in last week's edition. Somehow, I'll post a link or the article on the website when I get a copy from the author. The focus of the article was our chicken operation. The writer came out during one of processing days to see what happens and had many positive comments to share. We also had friends out to help on another processing date and they were very surprised at how low key the whole operation was. In the words of their 8-year-old son, "It wasn't frantic at all." You're always welcome to come out and see the farm, either when we're processing chickens or at any other time - we'd love to show you what we do and how your food is raised.
Our chickens are doing well. The pullets are now day ranging and love to run around and chase bugs. They should start laying in September or October. The broilers did not enjoy the heat last week and we are thinking of ways to cool them off if it heats up again. We ordered 250 chicks at the beginning of the season and only have four right now that have not been pre-sold. Because of the amazing response we've had, Kurt and I made the decision to order 100 more broilers that will be ready in October. Let me know if you're interested.
Kurt expects several head of beef to be ready in the fall. Even with the hotter days, the grazing has been good.
We have two Tips and Tastes parties (Kurt calls them "meat feasts") scheduled this fall and have room for more. We ask our hosts to provide guests interested in grass finished beef or local food, a spot to entertain and feed people, and a couple of side dishes. We provide (and prepare) samples of our chicken, eggs, ground beef, steaks and roasts. The parties give people a chance to sample our products before purchasing anything and it gives us a chance to share our farming story.
On a more personal note. . . .
*Kurt participated in football camp this month and is looking forward to the start of the season. He's the assistant football coach at the high school this fall.
*I almost have the upstairs (except Allison's room) clean and under control. That seems like a huge accomplishment for me. I'm starting to establish a few routines and that has helped. Check out http://www.flylady.net/
*Allison says the favorite part of her month has been the fair and I'll take a moment to brag and tell you the picture attached is Allison's and was the champion in her class at the county fair and was judged state fair worthy.
*Natalie is learning to swim and will WILLINGLY put her head under the water - just like the big kids.
*Anna continues to grow and change almost daily. She has also become a good little mimic - often copying her big sisters in many ways. Haven't decided if this is a good thing or not. . . .
By the time I write next month, we will have taken a short camping trip, school will have started, we will have 15 turkeys and I'm sure I won't be struggling for stories to share.
As I write this, the fair is winding down in Comanche County. We've had a good week and participated in several activities because, to quote Natalie, "we're a 4-H family." Both Allison and Natalie submitted photographs and baked goods for exhibit, we've watched some rodeo events, and we went to the community carnival.
The big excitement this month was a fire in the tree row just east of the house on July 10. Kurt called that afternoon and asked if I could see smoke, because from his vantage point, the smoke seemed to be coming from the house. I walked out to the road and could see smoke coming from the trees. The Protection fire department was out within a few minutes and shortly after they arrived, the Coldwater fire department was called in for back up. By the time everything was under control, there were about 8 fire trucks and a tanker truck on our property. Thankfully, no people or livestock were ever in imminent danger and none of the fire fighters suffered ill effects from the heat - temperatures soared to 112 that afternoon. We're pretty sure that trees were hanging over the electric line and sparked. The fire quickly spread through the undergrowth about 100 yards through the tree row. The fire flared again at 11:30 that night and the firemen were out again. Thankfully, neighbors loaned us a spray truck on Saturday and Kurt and his dad were able to spray down trees as they started burning again. The electric co-op has also been out to trim trees so I think we're in good shape now. I often joke that moving to Protection reminds me of The Little House on The Prairie series. A friend of mine commented that afternoon, after I called back to fill her in on the details, that I needed to quit having so many Laura Ingalls Wilder moments.
On a much more positive note, the local paper ran a very nice article about Dale Family Farms in last week's edition. Somehow, I'll post a link or the article on the website when I get a copy from the author. The focus of the article was our chicken operation. The writer came out during one of processing days to see what happens and had many positive comments to share. We also had friends out to help on another processing date and they were very surprised at how low key the whole operation was. In the words of their 8-year-old son, "It wasn't frantic at all." You're always welcome to come out and see the farm, either when we're processing chickens or at any other time - we'd love to show you what we do and how your food is raised.
Our chickens are doing well. The pullets are now day ranging and love to run around and chase bugs. They should start laying in September or October. The broilers did not enjoy the heat last week and we are thinking of ways to cool them off if it heats up again. We ordered 250 chicks at the beginning of the season and only have four right now that have not been pre-sold. Because of the amazing response we've had, Kurt and I made the decision to order 100 more broilers that will be ready in October. Let me know if you're interested.
Kurt expects several head of beef to be ready in the fall. Even with the hotter days, the grazing has been good.
We have two Tips and Tastes parties (Kurt calls them "meat feasts") scheduled this fall and have room for more. We ask our hosts to provide guests interested in grass finished beef or local food, a spot to entertain and feed people, and a couple of side dishes. We provide (and prepare) samples of our chicken, eggs, ground beef, steaks and roasts. The parties give people a chance to sample our products before purchasing anything and it gives us a chance to share our farming story.
On a more personal note. . . .
*Kurt participated in football camp this month and is looking forward to the start of the season. He's the assistant football coach at the high school this fall.
*I almost have the upstairs (except Allison's room) clean and under control. That seems like a huge accomplishment for me. I'm starting to establish a few routines and that has helped. Check out http://www.flylady.net/
*Allison says the favorite part of her month has been the fair and I'll take a moment to brag and tell you the picture attached is Allison's and was the champion in her class at the county fair and was judged state fair worthy.
*Natalie is learning to swim and will WILLINGLY put her head under the water - just like the big kids.
*Anna continues to grow and change almost daily. She has also become a good little mimic - often copying her big sisters in many ways. Haven't decided if this is a good thing or not. . . .
By the time I write next month, we will have taken a short camping trip, school will have started, we will have 15 turkeys and I'm sure I won't be struggling for stories to share.