Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanksgiving week

Greetings this Thanksgiving week!

Thanks you so much for your patience as our hens take a short break this winter.  We've had to ration eggs out to many of you.  By spring, we should be good to go - 80-100 pullets will start laying AND we will be starting another batch of pullets as well.  By late summer, we intend to have about 250 layers.  We hear your desire for farm fresh eggs but it takes us just a bit to adjust our output.

Oh my!  This week it got cold!  No slow transition to ease into the freezing winter (or "finter" as Natalie is calling it - a cross between fall and winter). This week was full bore winter.  I'm not a huge fan of the cold - I hate to wear coats - BUT I also know it's a necessary time of rest for us, the land and the animals.

This week, we'll travel to Johnson (where western Kansas really is) to be with Kurt's mom's family.  I thought I lived in SW Kansas until Kurt took me out there - we can go 3 hours west and STILL be in the state!

The creative, problem-solving juices are flowing.  Stay tuned for big news!

From our facebook page this week:

Can you believe Thursday is Thanksgiving?! I love to be in the kitchen without a real schedule. We might eat at noon or 2 depending on how the cooking progresses! What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?

Holiday giveaway #2 - Tell me your favorite part of Thanksgiving and you'll be entered to win a package of our zesty breakfast links to enjoy Thanksgiving morning. Share our status and you'll be entered again.

Deadline: Monday, November 25th at 6:00 Winner will be picked using

It's not too late to enter - just leave a comment in the comment section and then go to and like us on facebook for daily updates.

We'd also appreciate it if you'd take a few minutes and take our survey if you haven't already.  We're trying to make our farm even better and serve your needs. (email me at if you take the survey and I'll send you a 2 oz bar of soap)

Need some Christmas ideas?  Here are a few straight from the farm:

*Summer sausage, beef sticks, jerky
*Links (hot, sweet, brats, beer brats)
*SOAP - we also make some lovely gift baskets that include a ramie soap bag to wash with
*Sampler packages
*A beef quarter for those people you really, really love!
*Gift certificates for any amount

Story from our dinner table - Our dinner table is a noisy, boisterous, active place.  I try to teach manners but often it's just a bit chaotic (or at least that's how it appears to the only child.  It never seems to phase Kurt much).  One evening this week, we were going to share with the girls some of our brainstorming ideas. 
Kurt:  Girls I want to share something with you. 
Anna:  We're going to have a BA-BY?!?!  Yay!!
(at which point, Natalie and Anna start chanting BA-BY, BA-BY)
Kurt:  No, no, I was going to tell you we are thinking about test-driving a bus or deli-
Kurt:  NO, NO!  I never said baby.  We are NOT having a baby.
Mostly, I just laughed and then I emailed Anna's kindergarten teacher to make sure she knew we were not expecting.
Side bar - Kurt quickly changed the topic when Natalie asked "Why would it be your baby?  What do you have to do with that?"  Ay yi yi - I have some work to do.

How have your dinners been?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Slowing down

Life is slowing down a little on the farm (if it ever slows down with 3 active kids!)  All of the broilers are in the freezer for the season, turkeys are delivered, goats went to the sale barn, the one act has performed and it's time to slow down a little and start planning for next year.

We have some really nice cuts of meat if you're looking for something special to entertain with this holiday season:  pork tenderloin, standing rib roast, hams, and roasting chickens.

For those comfort meals (which we are always looking for this time of year):
*soup bones which make all kids of great soups
*roasts - great the first time around and leftovers make great beef and noodles
*chickens - roast them the first time and then use leftovers for chicken and noodles.
*all kinds of sausage which make great breakfasts!

Kurt will be hauling a few hogs to Krehbiels in mid-December.  Please let me know ASAP if you'd like to put your name on a half or whole.  He will also be taking hogs in again in January. 

Keep your eyes out for a used stove (cheap), stainless steel counter tops (cheap), stainless steel sinks (yep, cheap again).  We're starting to do some planning for some on farm storage with a kitchen area  but don't want to buy new to furnish it.  We know that many of you have connections that we don't.  If you hear of something, please let us know! 

Friends of the Farm:  Remember at the end of the year, we'll look at each customer's total purchases and if you've ordered over $500 (not including tax), you'll receive a coupon for 5% off one purchase in 2014.  If you've ordered over $1000, you'll receive TWO 5% off coupons to use on 2 separate purchases.

Stories from the farm - About the first of November, I always wonder what on earth have I done as we pull together the last pieces of a One Act play at the high school.  I'm not home near enough and the laundry grows exponentially.  Friday night I remembered why I do it - our high school forensics students were amazing - they made me cry and I know how the story ended.  What a blessing it is to work with these kids!

If you get a chance this week, check out the moon!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Time for something different

Good morning! 

It's time to make a few changes in the Cattle Rattle (and some aspects of the farm!).

Between school and life, trying to publish a Cattle Rattle every month just seems a bit overwhelming right now. Soooo . .. . I'm going to work at sending an update out weekly on Sundays.  It will include updates on product, changes we're making and a story or two from the farm.

Beef:  We are well stocked for the winter and have several quarters and bundles available if you're looking for beef to get you through until June when we'll take our grass-fed beef to the processor again.

Chickens:  The chicken season ended in mid-October.  A little later than we're used to and some of our last birds got pretty large.  There are some very nice 5-6 pound roasting birds in the freezer.  We also have smaller birds and lots of chicken parts - wings, thighs, drumsticks and boneless/skinless breasts.  We are well stocked here too and expect to be able to keep chicken in stock through June when we will have birds on pasture again.

Turkeys:  Oh what a season!  We started with 50 poults and put 12 in the cooler.  We must come up with a better way to raise turkeys if we're going to continue to sell them.

Pork:  It's so good to have freezers stocked with pork again!  We do still have some bacon in stock (Kurt hid a box in another freezer).  We also have some beautiful hams that would make great centerpiece dishes this holiday season.  Kurt will be hauling hogs to McPherson in the middle of December and again in January.  If you would like to have your own supply of pork in your own freezer, let me know and we can put your name on a whole or half hog. 

Holiday meals:  We have many cuts that would be great for entertaining!  Pork tenderloin, hams, roasts are quick and easy.  We have 3 beautiful standing rib roasts - we can't wait to enjoy ours at our "employee dinner." 

Gifts:  It's really, really too early for me to think about Christmas time BUT Dale Family Farms has some great gift options available:
*Any cut of meat - steaks make great gifts though
*Gift certificates - you pick the dollar amount
*Summer sausage, jerky and beef sticks make great stocking stuffers or gifts for the men in your life
*All kinds of links - again great for those guys you love
*Homemade soap - we have many scents and they make great soaps for teachers and other women you want to pamper
*Gift baskets - I can put together baskets with jerky, etc AND I have some really nice ones with 3 bars of soap and a raffie bag that holds the soap.

Story from the farm:  Kurt and I went to the Kansas Rural Center's Farm and Food Conference last Saturday and really enjoyed ourselves.  We made several great connections and it got the creative juices flowing again - trying to figure out how we can do it better - on the farm and serving you.  The ideas have turned a bit wild - a small school bus as a delivery van to make Schwann's like deliveries into the city - each seat could hold a few coolers and you could place your order ahead of time or add to your order based on availability; more on farm storage - hmmm. . . . what could we use there? We'll keep you posted!

Oh, and if you see Kurt, ask him about our freezer woes this past month.  We saw way to much of Sears this month.

Enjoy these fall days!